Destroying the Kerberos Services

Destroy the Kerberos services (KDC, Administration server, and Password server).

  1. Stop the daemon (krb5kdc, kadmind, or kpasswdd)

  2. Destroy the service object as follows:

    kdb5_util [-D user_dn [-w passwd]] [-h ldap_server] [-p ldap_port] [-t trusted_cert] destroy_service [-f stashfilename] service_dn

    For example:

    kdb5_util -D cn=admin,o=mit -w secret destroy_service -f /usr/local/var/krb5kdc/servicepasswd cn=kdc-service,o=mit

    IMPORTANT:  If you destroy a Kerberos service without stopping the daemon, the service still continues to service the incoming requests, as it has an active connection with the LDAP server.