2.2 Realm Container

The realm container stores the realm name and related realm information for Kerberos authentication, administration, and password management servers to process requests. This object contains the ticket policy, password policy, and principal objects, and internal principals such as krbtgt, kadmin/admin, kadmin/changepw, and kadmin/history.

2.2.1 Realm Container Attributes

The following table describes the realm container attributes:

Table 2-4 Realm Container Attributes



Realm name

Name of the realm. This is unique within an eDirectory tree.

Default encryption salt types

The default encryption salt types supported by the realm.

Master key

Realm-specific master key.

Search scope

Scope for searching the principals under the specified subtree.

Universal Password enabled

Specifies whether to use the Universal Password of the user as the Kerberos password.

Login policy enabled

Specifies whether the login restrictions of the user must be enforced.

2.2.2 Realm Container Associations

The following table describes the objects that you can associate the realm container to:

Table 2-5 Realm Container Associations

Associate To



Reference to container objects under which the principals of the realm are placed.

Principal container reference

Reference to the container under which the standalone principals are created.

KDC servers

List of references to the KDC service objects that can service the realm.

Administration servers

List of references to the administration service objects that can service the realm.

Password servers

List of references to the password service objects that can service the realm.