Assigning Password Policies to Users

We encourage you to set Password Policies as high up in the tree as you can, to simplify administration.

A policy is not in effect until you assign it to one or more objects. You can assign a password policy to the following objects:

NOTE:   Special Password Policies are automatically created for Driver Set objects.

Only one policy is effective for a user at a time. Novell Modular Authentication Services (NMAS) determines which policy is effective for a user by looking for policies in this order, and applying the first one it finds.

  1. Specific user assignment: If a password policy has been assigned specifically to the user, that policy is applied.
  2. Container: If the user has no specific assignment, NMAS applies the policy that is assigned to the container which holds the user.
  3. Partition root container: If no policy is assigned to the user or to the container directly above the user, the policy assigned to the partition root container is applied.
  4. Login Policy object: If no policy is assigned to the user or other containers, the policy assigned to the Login Policy object is applied. It is the default policy for all users in the tree.