Finish the NDS/eDirectory Migration

The Finish the NDS/eDirectory Migration step upgrades the schema and restores the trustees to the new server after it has restarted.

  1. In the Project View dialog box, click Finish NDS/eDir Migration.

    The Continue NDS/eDir Migration dialog box appears, outlining the NDS backlink process that needs to be run on the destination server.

  2. At the destination server console, enter the following:

    set dstrace=on


    set dstrace=+blink


    set dstrace=*b

  3. Click Yes > Next.

  4. Type the tree password in the field provided, then click Next > Continue.

  5. Review the error and success logs, then click Done.

  6. In the Project View dialog box, click Close.

Continue with the next section, Perform Post-Migration Tasks.