Using Server Commands

You can use the following command line options at the server console:

Load sss [/a] [/d] [/t] [/m] [/c=# of Mins] [/o=DN] [/? | /h]

Option Description


Enable SecretStore administrators


Clear the ACS file and load SSS.DLM without command line parameters


Enable Last Accessed Time Stamp


Disable Master Password


Cache Refresh Period in Minutes (Minimum 30)


NSSO object DN to use. NSSO DN Form: my_nsso_obj.my_orgunit.my_org


For Help


For Help

For the SecretStore 3.0 release, the need to enable the cache with a separate command line parameter has been eliminated. You don't need to use the /e option.

An autoexec.ncf file saves command line options in a batch file. These commands are executed when the server starts up. When command line options are used with server, load the SecretStore Server sss.nlm before nldap.nlm on NetWare inside the autoexec.ncf file. Otherwise, ldap.nlm auto loads the sss.nlm without command line option.

Because eDirectory for Windows NT/2000 does not have an autoexec.ncf file, DHost provides Active Configuration Services (ACS) that work as follows.

In the Windows NT/2000 plus eDirectory environment, the command line options are saved into an ACS file. After the DLM (server) is loaded with a set of options for the first time, DHost saves the command line options to the ACS file. Subsequent loadings of the server (DLM) cause the DHost to automatically read the same options from the ACS file.

On subsequent startups, there is no need to pass command line options.

If you must change the command line options, use the following procedure to reset the ACS file. Save the new options in the file for future use.

  1. Take the server (DLM) down.

  2. Restart the server by using the /d switch.

    This is a Windows NT/2000-specific option. It deletes the Windows NT/2000 command line options from the ACS file.

  3. Restart the server again with the new command line options to be written to the ACS file.

  4. Take the server down again.

    After Step 4, the loading of the server does not require the command line options. The command line options will automatically be read out of the ACS file.

    Whenever new command line options are supplied, the previous options saved into the ACS file are automatically reset. However, in the presence of ACS command line configuration, the /d option can be used to clear the ACS file and load SSS.DLM without command line parameters.

    Otherwise, on every load of the server the command line parameters are read from the ACS file just like the autoexec.ncf file on NetWare.