Cleaning Up Desktop Application Distribution Files

Tiered Electronic Distribution is not designed to clean up ZfD files, for example, when you might delete a golden Application object in ZfD. The distributed Application object created by the Desktop Application Distribution is not automatically deleted. You must manually remove this eDirectory object and the related application files on the server's file system.

To do this, search in ConsoleOne for the Application object and note its filename before deleting the golden Application object. This can make manually cleaning up easier after deleting a golden application.

You can verify that the distributed application exists after you've deleted the golden Application object and its files, and then remove the distributed version:

  1. In ConsoleOne, delete the golden Application object.

  2. In a file browser, delete the files related to the application.

  3. In ConsoleOne, right-click the Distributor object associated with the golden Application object's Distribution.

  4. Click Refresh Distributor from the drop-down menu, then click Yes > OK.

  5. Check the destination location for the distributed Application object.

    It should still be present, even though it no longer exists in the Distribution.

  6. In ConsoleOne, delete the distributed Application object.

  7. In a file browser, delete the files related to the distributed application.