Step 1: Copy File System Data

During the Copy File System Data step, the dropped directories are copied to the destination server and created directories are added to the destination server.

If you select to have Migration Wizard back up the source server's trustees, the trustee and ownership information for the source server's standard sys: volume and dropped folders is backed up during this step. These special trustee backup files are copied to the destination server and the information they contain is restored during the fourth phase of the migration. The special backup files are for use only by the Migration Wizard.

Additionally, all source server trustees and ownerships are backed up to special trustee backup files that can be used in case the eDirectory database on the source server has to be removed and the trustees and ownerships restored. For more information on eDirectory restoration, see NDS/eDirectory Migration Failures.

  1. In the Project View dialog box, click Copy File System Data.

    Before Migration Wizard starts copying files, it backs up your directory and file trustees and saves them in files located on the source and the destination server. When the eDirectory migration is complete, Migration Wizard restores the trustees from the files stored on the destination server.

  2. In the Dropped Folders dialog box, verify the accuracy of the source and destination paths for all of your dropped folders, then click Next.

  3. If you created new folders as part of your migration project, verify the source and destination paths in the Created Folders dialog box, then click Next.

  4. In the Duplicate Files dialog box, decide how you want to handle any duplicate filenames between the source and the destination, select one of the following, then click Next:

    • Don't Copy Over Existing Files

      The file on the source server is not copied and the file with the same name on the destination server is not replaced.

    • Copy the Source File If It Is Newer (Default)

      If the file on the source server is newer than the one on the destination server, the file on the destination server is replaced.

    • Always Copy the Source File

      The file on the source server always replaces the file with the same name on the destination server.

  5. In the Disable Login dialog box, decide whether you want users to be logged in during the data migration, select one of the following, then click Next.

    • Copy Volumes with Users Logged In (Default)

      Migration Wizard does not copy open files. Select this option if you want to copy nonaccessed files while users are logged in.

    • Disable Login

      If you disable user login, you can be sure that no other users will log in to the network and open files during the file copy.

      If you want to delete all user connections prior to performing the migration, click Broadcast Logout Message to warn users to log out. If any user connections remain, you must manually disconnect them from the source server console.

  6. In the File Date Filters dialog box, decide whether you want to filter the files to be copied according to Accessed, Modified, or Created dates. If you select No, all files will be copied. If you select Yes, enter the desired date ranges, then click Next.

    Two dates can be set for each attribute. The first date is an On or After date and the second is an On or Before date. For example, if you only check the On or Before check box for the Accessed attribute and set the date for October 10, 2004, only those files accessed on or before October 10, 2004, will be copied. In the same example, if you also check the On or After check box and set the date to September 1, 2004, only those files accessed on or after September 1, 2004, and on or before October 10, 2004, will be copied.

    You can enter as many ranges as you would like, and only those files that meet all of the selected criteria will be copied.

  7. In the Wildcard Selection dialog box, decide whether you want to filter files by name or extension and type the filenames or extension types in the field provided.

    You can use a wildcard character to represent one or more characters in a search. The two most commonly used wildcards are:

    • The question mark (?)

      Used to represent a single alphanumeric character in a search expression. For example, typing "te?t.txt" would exclude tent.txt, test.txt, and text.txt from the copy process.

    • The asterisk

      Used to specify zero or more alphanumeric characters in a search expression. For example, typing "h*s.txt" would exclude hs.txt, his.txt, house.txt, and happiness.txt from the copy process.

    Type as many filenames or file extension types as you want. As in the following example, separate each entry with a hard return:




    After typing the file extension types and filenames that you want to exclude, click Next.

  8. In the Synchronize Files and Folders dialog box, specify whether you want the Migration Wizard to delete files and folders on the destination server that do not exist on the source server, then click Next.

    If users are active on the source server while you model your migration project, it is possible that they could delete files and folders that you have already selected for migration.

    • Selecting Yes causes the Migration Wizard to scan all dropped folders after the copy process completes and delete any files and folders from the destination server that don't exist on the source server.
    • No is the default selection.
  9. In the Compare Files and Folders dialog box, specify whether you want the Migration Wizard to compare files and folders between the source and destination servers after the copy process completes, then click Next.

    • Selecting Yes causes the Migration Wizard to compare the following information during the post-copy file comparison:
      • Names
      • Dates
      • Sizes
      • Attributes
      • Trustees
      • Owners

      If you select Yes, you are given the option of doing a binary comparison of the files after the copy process completes. A binary (byte-by-byte) comparison gives the greatest assurance that two files are identical, but it takes longer to complete.

      By default, the Migration Wizard compares the Read inhibit (Ri) and Delete inhibit (Di) attributes on Read-only files. If you do not want this check to be performed, uncheck the Compare Ri/Di Attributes check box. (See the online help for an explanation of why you might want to disable this comparison.)

    • No is the default selection.
  10. Type the passwords for the source and destination trees, then click Next.

    NOTE:  SMS is the backup and copy engine used by the Migration Wizard. You enter your passwords here because SMS requires that the servers involved in the migration be authenticated to each other.

  11. If there were errors discovered in the verification attempt, they will be shown in the Error Resolution dialog box. Errors could include name conflicts, insufficient rights, required name spaces not loaded, and insufficient disk space.prompted, resolve any critical errors or warnings discovered during verification and then click Next.

    Errors found during the verification process are classified as follows:

    • Errors that must be resolved before files can be copied.
    • Errors that should be resolved but might not affect the copy process.
    • Informational messages about the decisions you made in the Project Window.

    A description of each error and a possible resolution appears in the Information text box. If no resolution is provided, you can find more information in the Novell Error Codes online documentation. Search the system by error code number.

  12. (Conditional) If newer NLMs are available, a dialog box displays asking if you want to copy these newer NLMs to your system. To have the Migration Wizard Utility copy the NLMs for you, click Yes.

  13. In the Ready to Copy Files dialog box, read the explanation of the file copy process and then click Proceed.

  14. In the Back Up the Source Server's Trustees? screen, specify whether you want the Migration Wizard to back up the source server's trustee information, then click Next.

    • If you have previously backed up the source server's file system trustees, click No.
    • If you want to have the Migration Wizard back up the source server's trustee information, click Yes.

    The Migration Wizard proceeds with the trustee backup (if selected) and file copy.

  15. When the Copy Volumes Status screen appears, review the error and success logs, then click Done.

Continue with the next section, Step 2: Edit Configuration Files.