What if install automatically fails to configure iManager plug-ins?

Action:  To manually configure the plug-in:

  1. Click Configure on the top-most panel on the iManager screen.
  2. On the left panel, go to Module configuration > Install Module Package. Select the appropriate module file (it could be vpn.npm for VPN or bm.npm for Filter configuration). If the VPN or Filter file is not copied already, you can find a copy of the relevent file in the NBM CD under the VPN or Border directory. Click Install. This should install the module onto your system.
  3. If you have configured Role Based Services in your iManager, now you need to upgrade the collection. To do this,
    • Click on RBS Configuration > Configure iManager and select the option Upgrade Collections. It would prompt you the collection that requires updation. Select the collection that you want to be updated and then click on Next. The next screen would display the list of modules that need to be updated into the collection, you should see vpn in this list. Select the modules that you want to update the collection with, also mention a scope for this role and click on Start. The collection will now be up to date.
    • If you would need users other than admin to have access rights to VPN configuration tasks, you can modify the same by selecting Role Configuration > Modify iManager Roles and NBM VPN Configuration role. Same for Filters, the tasks NBM Access Management.
  4. Restart tomcat and log-in to iManager again.
  5. You should see NBM VPN Configuration as one of the roles in the left panel for admin and other assigned users.