4.9 Mandatory Variables

XPOZ provides a special function that checks to assure that certain variables are defined prior to test execution. If all specified variables are not found in the symbol table, execution pauses with a message informing the user which variables must be included for test execution to progress. This stops a test from proceeding for possibly hours into a script before finding out that a required variable is missing.

The format for this function has one repeatable parameter: variable. The value for each variable parameter is a name-description pair. In the following example, SRV1 is a required variable, and its description is fully qualified First Server Name.

  Variable = {"BootStrapAddress", "Address of a server with port in the tree."},
  Variable = {"SRV1", "Fully-qualified First Server Name"},
  Variable = {"SRV2", "Fully-qualified Second Server Name"},
  Variable = {"SRV1_Platform", "Platform of first server"},
  Variable = {"SRV2_Platform", "Platform of second server"},
  Variable = {"Admin", "Fully-qualified Admin Object Name"},
  Variable = {"AdminPassword", "Password for admin object"});