1.1 Engine

The XPOZ scripts are accessed through the user interface or through the execution interface to the engine. The engine processes the XPOZ scripts to the next function or action, which it then passes into the test modules that perform the action.

Figure 1-2 XPOZ Engine Components

The engine is composed of seven separate items.

  1. Scanner: Built upon the Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set (PCCTS) architecture, this module tokenizes the scripts.

  2. Parser: Built upon the PCCTS compiler architecture, this module interprets the tokens.

  3. Flow Control: Determines the execution sequence of the test operations. Includes branching and looping constructs.

  4. Symbol Table: Holds script-defined variables of multiple data types. Allows for multiple levels of variable scope.

  5. User Interface: Script invocation point. Includes both command line and graphic (GUI) utilities.

  6. Test Module Interface: Natively compiled extensions that provide script-callable functions that dynamically load test modules as needed by the script.

  7. Remote Execution Interface: Allows remote execution of certain functions on remote systems. It requires the rcmdserver process to be running on the remote system.