6.2 Dismounting a Gateway Volume

You can dismount the NFS Gateway using either iManager or the command line.

6.2.1 Using iManager

The NFS Gateway Mounted Volumes page of iManager lets you disable/remove volumes.

For details, see Step 4 under Viewing the NFS Gateway Mounted Volumes.

6.2.2 Using the Command Line

Dismount and deactivate the NFS Gateway volume by using the following syntax:

gyumount volumename [-forceDeactivate][-disable|-remove][-cleanup]

Volumename: The volumename to be dismounted. Dismounting a specific gateway volume does not disturb the state of other gateway volumes.

forceDeactivate: Deactivates the volume without prompting for open files. This causes loss of data in unsaved files in the volume that is being dismounted. Using this option is mandatory when you modify the cluster unload script to configure the gateway for active/active cluster mode.

By default, if any file in the specified gateway volume is open, then the gateway prompts you to confirm if the dismounting of the volume can be continued.

disable: Dismounts a volume and comments out (#) the corresponding gymount line for this volume in gystart.ncf file so that it is not mounted automatically when the gateway is restarted using gystart.

remove: Dismounts a volume, removes the corresponding gymount line for this volume from the gystart.ncf file, and also clear all cached information about this volume.

cleanup: Clears invalid entries present in the shadow file. Use this utility when the performance of NFS Gateway is degrading and you observe that shadow file size is growing very large and you suspect invalid entries exist in the shadow file.

When using this option, the volume status can be any one of the following:

  • Active
  • Deactive
  • Disabled

To abort the utility when the cleanup is in progress, enter the unload gyumount command at the command prompt.

The utility reads each record from the database file, looks up the corresponding file or directory in the remote machine and, if the entry does not exist, it deletes the entry from the shadow file.

The invalid files or directories that this utility deletes are logged into a log file located at shadowvolume:/gateway/gyvolname.log file.

For information on using this utility for improving NFS Gateway performance, see Section 8.9, Using the Cleanup Utility.