4.3 Getting Help

You can get help for OpenOffice.org at any time from the Help menu. Depending on your selection, the depth and type of help provided varies. To become thoroughly acquainted with a topic, click HelpContents. The help system provides information about each of the modules (Writer, Calc, Impress, and Draw).

If you find this information too broad or overwhelming, try the Help Agent instead, which offers help and tips as you perform different actions with OpenOffice.org. Click HelpHelp Agent to access the Help Agent. If less information is sufficient, try Tips and Extended Tips. They enable the program’s tooltips—short information about the element that the mouse is pointing to. These items can easily be disabled when you are more familiar with the program.

HINT:  If you are not sure whether the features are active, open the Help menu. A check mark next to a menu item indicates that the corresponding help function is active.

For more information and tutorials for an OpenOffice.org application, use one of the following sources: