4.6 LDAP Image Reference Objects

Client images distributed to Point of Service terminals must have corresponding Image Reference objects (scPosImage) in the LDAP directory. Required attributes for the scPosImage object include:

During the configuration of the Administration Server, posInitLdap.sh or posInitEdir.sh automatically create an scPosImage object for the Minimal image under the Default Distribution Container (scDistributionContainer). Other Image Reference objects must be manually created using posAdmin. For more information on this procedure, see Section 6.5.1, Adding an scPosImage Object. For information on scPosImage objects, see Section 5.0, The Novell Linux Point of Service LDAP Directory.

Unlike client images, boot images do not have reference objects in the LDAP directory. The CDBoot image obviously needs no reference in the LDAP directory because it is self contained; when you generate a CDBoot image, everything the Point of Service terminal needs to boot is provided in the CD ISO image.

Likewise, the DiskNetboot image does not require an scPosImage object in the LDAP directory; however, it is referenced within the Distribution Container object (scDistributionContainer). The initrd and kernel images loaded by each Point of Service terminal are determined by the scDistributionContainer object in which its associated client image object (scPosImage) is located. The scInitrdName and scKernelName attributes in the scDistributionContainer object define the initrd and kernel images for the container. All Point of Service terminals that load client images located within the Distribution Container use the designated boot images at load time.