10.5 Creating the Boot Media

After you generate the Automatic Branch Server Installation images, you are ready to create the CD and floppy disk used to boot and configure the Branch Server.

10.5.1 Creating the Boot CD

The create the boot CD:

NOTE:In this example, cdrecord is used to burn the CD image on a CD recorder. cdrecord is a Linux command line program that can burn data or audio onto a CD or DVD recorder.

  1. Use the following command to find your CD recorder device:

    cdrecord -scanbus

    Linux returns the following information:

    cdrecord dev=2,0,0
        2,0,0  200) 'PIONEER' 'DVD-RW DVR-106D' '1.07' Removable CD-ROM
  2. Burn the Automatic Branch Server Installation ISO image (autoinst.iso) to the CD:

    cdrecord dev=2,0,0 autoinst.iso

10.5.2 Creating the Floppy Disk

To create the floppy disk;

  1. Create a file named info to control the AutoYaST process. It must contain the following lines:

  2. Create a file named posInitBranchserver.auto.cfg to control the automatic setup of the branch server software. It must contain the following lines:


    If the password should not be set up automatically for security reasons, it can be omitted. In this case, posInitBranchserver.sh requests the password when the Branch Server starts.

  3. Copy the three files to an MS-DOS formatted floppy disk:

    • info
    • posInitBranchserver.auto.cfg
    • autoinst.xml