8.8 Configuring the Branch Server

This section describes the Branch Server configuration with the posInitBranchServer.sh script.

8.8.1 Running the Initialization Script

IMPORTANT:You must have created the scBranchServer object and its supporting organizational structure before you can run posInitBranchserver.sh to configure the Branch Server. For more information, see Section 6.2.1, Creating organizationalUnit Objects.

  1. Before starting the configuration script, ensure that the Branch Server can find its object in the LDAP directory.

    IMPORTANT:The Branch Server’s hostname must resolve to the IP address defined in the --ipHostNumber attribute of the scNetworkcard object; for example, Otherwise, the Branch Server cannot find the scBranchServer object in the LDAP directory.

    To ensure this resolution, add the following line to the Branch server’s /etc/hosts file:

    ip_address fully_distinguished_name hostname

    For example, bs1.boston.mycorp.com bs1

  2. Execute posInitBranchserver.sh at the Branch Server console.

  3. Specify your company name without spaces or special characters.

  4. Specify your country abbreviation.

    Use de for Germany, uk for United Kingdom, us for United States, and so forth.

  5. Specify the IP address of the Administration Server.

    NOTE:Because in this case the Administration and Branch Server are on the same machine, they have the same IP address. You can specify the machine’s actual IP address or use loopback ( or localhost.

  6. The script attempts to connect to the Administration Server. If it fails, you are prompted again for the company name, country name, and password.

    Otherwise, the script tries to determine the Branch Server’s IP address, hostname, and domain name as it is defined in the LDAP database. If it fails, you are prompted for the Branch Server’s IP address.

    If the Branch Server configuration is successful, the script displays the Branch Server’s name, IP address, and domain name, along with a success message.

  7. Verify that the necessary LDAP objects have been created by using a GUI-based LDAP browser, such as GQ, or an ldapsearch command. For example:

    ldapsearch -x -h administration_server_name -b o=mycorp,c=us -s base -D cn=admin,o=mycorp,c=us -w password

8.8.2 Copying Images to the tftpboot Directories

After the Branch Server has been configured, you can run the possyncimages.pl script to copy the Point of Service images you have created to the /tftpboot/ directories.

  1. Verify the scPosImage object settings for the Point of Service images in the /tftpboot/image/ directory.

    IMPORTANT:You must create the scPosImage objects and set the scPosImageVersion attribute to Active before you boot the Point of Service terminals. The Point of Service terminals require an scPosImage object with an active scPosImageVersion attribute before they can download the corresponding physical image from the Branch Server at boot time. For more information on setting the scPosImageVersion attribute to Active, see Activating Images in the Novell Linux Point of Service 9 Administration Guide.

  2. Run possyncimages.pl to copy the Point of Service images to the /tftpboot/ directories on the Branch Server.

  3. Verify the results of running the script by checking the contents of the following directories:

    • /tftpboot/boot/
    • /tftpboot/image/

For more information on the Administration and Branch Server directory structure, see Novell Linux Point of Service Files and Directory Structure in the Novell Linux Point of Service 9 Administration Guide.

NOTE:The possyncimages.pl script can also be used to update Point of Service images on the Branch Server. However, to implement image version changes, you must also activate the version changes inside the corresponding scPosImage objects in the LDAP directory. Otherwise Point of Service terminals already registered in LDAP and on the Branch Server cannot boot the new image version.

8.8.3 Starting the Core Script

Start the core script (posleases2ldap) as a daemon process on the Admin/Branch Server.

  • To verify that posleases2ldap is currently running, execute the following command:

    rcposleases2ldap status

  • To manually start the posleases2ldap service, execute the following command:

    rcposleases2ldap start

  • To ensure that the Admin/Branch Server automatically starts the core script at boot time, execute the following command:

    chkconfig posleases2ldap on

You are now ready to boot the Point of Service terminals. For more information on this process, see Section 11.4, Booting the Point of Service Terminal.