7.7 drbd Configuration File

drbd is a block device which is designed to build high availability clusters by mirroring a whole block device using a dedicated network. It can be seen as a network RAID-1.

To simplify a high availability configuration, the configuration scripts soft-link the configuration files for the DHCP and DNS service. For this reason, the DHCP daemon must not run in chroot(1) environments. Choose the configuration DHCPD\_RUN\_CHROOTED=’no’ in the /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd file.

The drbd.conf file is the configuration file for the drbd service. It defines the following parameters:

NOTE:These parameters are required to run drbd; additional parameters can be defined for fine tuning. For more information on these parameters, refer to the comments in the drbd.conf file.

The format of these parameters in the drbd.conf file is defined as follows:

on bs1 {
    device     /dev/drbd0;
    disk       /dev/hda3;
    meta-disk  internal;
on bs2 {
    device    /dev/drbd0;
    disk      /dev/hda3;
    meta-disk internal;