A.6 Accessing Filr Log Files

You can access log files for Filr, Jetty, Postfix, and Novell FAMT.

  1. Log in to the Novell appliance at https://server_url:9443, then click the Appliance Configuration icon.

  2. Click System Services.

  3. In the Log Files column of the table, click the download link for the service for which you want to view log files.

    For more detailed information about these services, see Section 2.7, Changing System Services Configuration.

    The following files are available for each service:

    Novell Filr: catalina.out, appserver.log (Filr appliance)

    The catalina.out file reports all timestamps in UTC/GMT.

    Jetty: jetty.stderrout.log (Filr, Search, and MySQL database appliances)

    Postfix: mail (Filr appliance)

    Novell FAMT: famtd.log (Filr appliance)

    Search: indexserver.log (Search appliance)

    MySQL: mysqld.log (MySQL database appliance)

    Memcached: jetty.stderrout.out (Search appliance)

  4. Click Close to exit System Services.