21.4 Understanding Disk Usage Checks

Each hour, Filr checks the amount of disk space that is being used on the system drive for a given appliance. If disk usage reaches 90% capacity or greater on the system drive for any appliance, the appliance shuts down.

Following are the scripts that are used to monitor disk usage for each type of appliance:

  • Filr Appliance: /etc/cron.hourly/filr-diskcheck.sh

  • Search Index Appliance: /etc/cron.hourly/lucene-diskcheck.sh

  • Database Appliance: /etc/cron.hourly/mysql-diskcheck.sh

When an appliance shuts down because of low disk space, a message is logged to both the /var/opt/novell/va_status and /var/log/messages files.

After the appliance is shut down, you must clean up unneeded data or add additional disk space to the appliance before restarting it.