7.7 Monitoring the Indexing Process

  1. On the Filr appliance (or on any appliance in a Filr cluster), append the following line to the /opt/novell/filr/apache-tomcat/webapps/ssf/WEB-INF/log4j.properties file:


  2. Restart the filr process with rcfilr restart.

  3. After re-indexing has started, watch the ssf.log file for the following statement:

    2013-06- INFO  [http-bio-8080-exec-1] [org.kablink.teaming.module.binder.impl.BinderModuleImpl] - indexTree took 1480.470827 ms
  4. Check the results using grep indexTree /var/opt/novell/apache-tomcat/logs/ssf.log.

    Look for the key words "indexTree took" as shown above.

    This shows that the re-indexing previously triggered has now completed.

    Please note that the indexing recommendations made elsewhere in this guide still apply, and a pair of Filr Search appliances should be deployed as part of your system. Start both Filr Search appliances as read/write and make them available to Filr Clients. Change one of the appliances to be indexed to Write and use that server for the re-index process.

    This forces all the Filr clients to use the other indexing server.

    After the reindexing process is complete, as indicated by the log file discussed earlier, the appliance can be changed back to Read/Write. Any deferred updates should be applied, and the second server can then be re-indexed by using the same process.