E.1 Custom Content Filter XML Syntax

The following text provides the XML syntax.

<Trace flushFrequency="immediate"> <Classes> <Class>...</Class> <Class exclude="false">...</Class> <Class exclude="true">...</Class> </Classes> <Packages> <Package>...</Package> <Package exclude="false">...</Package> <Package exclude="true">...</Package> </Packages> <Threads> <ThreadId>...</ThreadId> <ThreadId exclude="false">...</ThreadId> <ThreadId exclude="true">...</ThreadId> </Threads> </Trace>

The <Trace> element contains three sub-sections called <Classes>, <Packages>, and <Threads>. Each subsection is optional and can be omitted. The <Trace> element has a single attribute called flushFrequency that controls the frequency at which trace log data is flushed out to the file. Keep the value of this attribute set to immediate so that data is flushed as soon as possible. When in debugging mode, which is the only recommended use for trace logging, immediate flushing is preferred.

The <Classes> element contains zero or more <Class> elements. Each <Class> element defines a single Java class that is included or excluded in the trace log output. The name of the Java class must include the complete Java package and class name, while omitting the .java extension.

The <Packages> element contains zero or more <Package> elements. Each <Package> element defines a single Java package that is included or excluded in the trace log output. The inclusion or exclusion applied to this Java package also applies to all of this package’s child packages.

The <Threads> element contains zero or more <ThreadId> elements. Each <ThreadId> element defines a single thread identifier defined by Novell that is included or excluded in the trace log output.

The <Class>, <Package>, and <ThreadId> elements have a single attribute exclude=“true/false”. This attribute marks the associated Java class, Java package, or Thread Identifier as being included in the trace log output or as being excluded from the trace log output. If this attribute is not present, the default is false, meaning that the default is to include the associated entity in the trace logging output.

The <Class>, <Package>, and <ThreadId> elements accept the single character * as the text value of the element. This wildcard character means “all entities of this type.” This wildcard character can be used only as a single character. It cannot be combined with other strings in an attempt to form a wildcard string. For example <Class>*</Class> causes all Java classes to be included in the trace log output. However, the following example is invalid: <Class>com.novell.nidp.NIDP*</Class>.