1.3 SSL VPN (005)

Component 005

Event Code



Server Event Codes


Error executing sockd

Cause: The /opt/novell/sslvpn/bin/sockd file may not be present, or not executable or corrupted

Action: Check if the binary is present and has correct permissions. Installation may be a problem


Error spawning stunnel

Cause: The /opt/novell/sslvpn/bin/stunnel file may not be present, or not executable or corrupted

Action: Check if the binary is present and has correct permissions. Installation may be a problem


Server stunnel conf file could not be opened

Cause: The /etc/opt/novell/sslvpn/stunnel.conf file may be corrupted or not present

Action: Configuration may be bad. Check for other configuration errors in the logs


Server sockd conf file could not be opened

Cause: The /etc/opt/novell/sslvpn/sockd.conf file may be corrupted or not present

Action: Configuration may be bad. Check for other configuration errors in the logs


Could not find core config file

Cause: The /etc/opt/novell/sslvpn/config.xml file is not present or corrupted

Action: Restart the sslvpn service. Apply the changes from device manager and observe for any other errors while applying the changes on the device


Configuration file does not have proper contents. Parsing configuration failed. Connection Manager has bad configuration data. Could not add new connection

Cause: The /etc/opt/novell/sslvpn/config.xml file is not properly formatted. XML data corruption could have happened

Action: Restart the sslvpn service. Apply the changes from device manager and observe for any other errors while applying the changes on the device


Resource allocation failed

Cause: Might be a potential issue

Action: Collect all error logs and report to Support


Failed to send stunnel response “1231” to fd “5”

Cause: Stunnel program may have been stop or not running correctly

Action: Collect error log reports Restart the sslvpn service


Could not open the file “/opt/novell/sslvpn/connmansocket” exiting! Could not get File Lock for ConnMan. Another instance may be already running

Cause: The /opt/novell/sslvpn/connmansocket file may have been locked by another instance

Action: Forcefully delete this file and restart sslvpn service


Could not open the Unix domain socket

Cause: The /opt/novell/sslvpn/connman file may have been locked

Action: Forcefully delete this file and restart sslvpn service


Could not bind the Local socket. TCP socket could not be opened

Cause: Invalid configuration or that particular port may be being used by another service

Action: Check the service running on that port. Change the port in the configuration and restart sslvpn service


VCC has not been started. May be VCC port is invalid

Cause: The VCC port is either invalid or some other service is running on that port

Action: Check /etc/opt/novell/sslvpn/config.xml file and verify the VCC port is valid. If it is not, change it to the correct value, delete the device from the Administration Console, then restart the JCC-proxy using the /etc/init.d/novell-jcc restart command.


Failed to parse Stunnel certificate. error code = XXXX

Cause: Stunnel Certificate is in bad format

Action: Recreate the Stunnel certificate in device manager and apply changes to the device


SOCKD is not running/registered... cannot add a new connection request. Failed to send disconnect notification to sockd. Failed to send the new connection notification to sockd. Failed to send servlet response to fd. Failed to send servlet init success response to fd, fd. Failed to send servlet response %x to fd %d msgType, fd. Failed to send socks response %x to fd %d msgType, fd

Cause: One of the programs of SSLVPN service is not running. And the SSLVPN Gateway is in bad state

Action: Restart the sslvpn service and restart the novell-tomcat where sslvpn servlet is running


Restricting the number of policies for the role %s to %d .. because of insufficient buffer size, tmp->rolename, numRules Restricting the number of policies for the role

Cause: Too many number of traffic rules for that particular role

Action: Revisit the configuration and reduce the number of traffic rules for that particular role


Error: Servlet is already registered. Servlet_connect_connection: Servlet is not registered. Received disconnect from servlet. But servlet is not registered

Cause: Communication channel between servlet and connection manager have gone bad

Action: Restart the sslvpn service and restart the novell-tomcat where sslvpn servlet is running


Cannot add new connection. Maximum number of connections reached

Cause: Maximum number of connections reached. No more connections can be added

Action: Contact system administrator


Failed to connect to connection Manager

Cause: Connection manager may not be running

Action: Start the connection using the sslvpnc –up command.


Error in sending message to Connection Manager

Cause: Connection Manager socket would have closed

Action: Make sure connection Manager running


Error in receiving message

Cause: May be connection socket would have closed

Action: Make sure connection Manager running


Failed to get the lock of the connection Manager socket. Service cannot be stopped

Cause: This happens with down command and If connmanSocket lock is not available

Action: Retry


Failed to update SSLVPN Server Configuration

Cause: This happens if the config.xml is not well formed

Action: Make sure that config.xml is correct and well formed


Too many arguments

Cause: User entered the more arguments than the command can use.

Action: Type sslvpn –help, read the command syntax, and use it.


Too few arguments

Cause: User entered fewer arguments than the command requires.

Action: Type sslvpn –help, read the command syntax, and use it.


Invalid command

Cause: User entered the wrong command

Action: Type sslvpn –help, read the command syntax, and use it.


Failed to start SSL VPN service. Check log(/var/log/messages)

Cause: The config.xml file is probably invalid.

Action: Check the config.xml file and correct it.


Invalid argument

Cause: The user has entered invalid arguments.

Action: Use the sslvpnc –help command to discover the valid arguments.