1.7 Uninstalling a J2EE Agent

  1. Browse to <agent Install folder>\Novell Access Manager J2EE Agents\Uninstall_Novell Access Manager J2EE Agents

  2. Double-click the uninstaller.

  3. Click Next in the Uninstall J2EE Agents page. This removes all the features that were installed by the installer.

  4. Select one of the following options in the Uninstall Options page:

    • Complete Uninstall: This removes all the features and files that were installed during the installation.

    • Uninstall Specific Features: This allows you to select the features that you want to uninstall.

  5. (Optional) If you selected the Uninstall Specific Features option, select the features that you want to uninstall.

  6. Click Uninstall.

  7. Click Done to complete the uninstallation procedure.