5.7 Configuration Changes to the SSL VPN Server Installed with the Linux Access Gateway

After you have upgraded the SSL VPN server installed along with the Linux Access Gateway, you must modify the existing path-based service accelerating the SSL VPN server as follows:

  1. In the Administration Console, click Devices > Access Gateways > Edit > [Name of Reverse Proxy].

  2. In the Proxy Service List section, click the SSL VPN service that you have configured.

  3. Select the Webservers tab. Click the Webserver IP address link from the Webservers list section.

  4. Originally, the public IP address of SSL VPN was configured as the IP address of the Webserver. Change the IP address to, which is the loopback IP address.

  5. Click OK when prompted to purge cache.

  6. Click OK, then click Update on the Configuration page to save your modifications.