8.3 Stopping and Starting the Embedded Service Provider

When you stop the embedded service provider of a J2EE Agent, the provider closes the application session for logged-in users. The actual user session is on the Identity Server, so the user can access the resources without logging in again after the embedded service provider has started. For example, if a user was adding items to a shopping cart when the action to stop and start the embedded service provider occurred, the user loses the items in the shopping cart but can continue shopping and adding new items without logging in again.

To stop or start the embedded service provider of a J2EE Agent:

  1. In the Administration Console, click Devices > J2EE Agents.

  2. To stop the embedded service provider, select the agent, then click Actions > Service Provider > Stop Service Provider > OK.

  3. To start the embedded service provider, select the agent, then click Actions > Service Provider > Start Service Provider > OK.

  4. To restart the embedded service provider, select the agent, then click Actions > Service Provider > Restart Service Provider > OK.