9.7 Authorization Fails in the WebSphere Application

If you have configured WebSphere to map roles, the authorization of the user might occasionally fail. This could be because, when Run As roles and user/group to role mappings are configured after the J2EE Agent is installed, they fail to be propagated to the JAAC module automatically even after a restart. If this happens, do the following:

  1. Browse to the folder where the Novell J2EE Agent is installed.

  2. Open uDontKnowJacc.jy, which is located in the /novell/nids_agents/bin folder.

  3. Delete the first line.

  4. Modify member1 to <application server name>.

    Replace <application server name> with the name of the application server instance where NIDPJ2EEApp is installed.

  5. Execute the following command at the shell prompt:

    <path-to-websphere>/bin/wsadmin.sh -username <adminusername> -password <adminpassword> -lang jacl -f <path-to-nids_agents-folder>/uDontKnowJacc.jy

    Replace <path-to-websphere> with the path where the WebSphere server is installed.

    Replace <adminusername> with the name of the WebSphere administrator.

    Replace <adminpassword> with the password of the WebSphere administrator.

NOTE:For more information about updating a security policy, see “Propagating a Security Policy”.