3.3 Installing eDirectory Advanced - Existing Tree

  1. In the components section of the NOWS SBE administration page, click Install for eDirectory.

  2. To proceed with the Advanced installation, click Advanced-Existing Tree, then click Next.

  3. Specify existing tree information.

    • Tree Name: Specify the name of your existing eDirectory tree.

    • IP Address of Existing Server: Specify the IP address of the server that is already hosting the tree.

  4. Specify the organization name.

  5. Specify your administrative information. Do not use special characters when specifying your password.

    • Administrator Password: Password of the eDirectory administrator user.

    • Administrator Password Confirm: Retype the password for the eDirectory administrator user.

    • SBS Administrator Password: The password for the SBS administrator user.

    • SBS Administrator Password Confirm: Retype the password for the eDirectory administrator user.

  6. Specify the advanced settings for your server. Do not use special characters, except for hyphens, when specifying server name.

    • Server Name: Specify the name of the server you are adding to the tree.

    • Server Context: Specify the server context. The server will be added to the tree in the specified context.

    • Path for DIB: Specify the directory path where the database files are to be stored.

    • LDAP Port: Specify the TCP port number on the LDAP server, such as 389. Fill in the field only if you know the correct information; otherwise, leave it blank.

    • Secure LDAP Port: Specify the secure port number on the LDAP server, such as 636. Fill in the field only if you know the correct information; otherwise, leave it blank.

    • HTTP Port: Specify the HTTP clear port number, such as 8028. Fill in this field only if you know the correct information; otherwise, leave it blank.

    • HTTPS Port: Specify the HTTP secure port number, such as 8030. Fill in this field only if you know the correct information; otherwise, leave it blank.

  7. Specify NCP settings if you want to enable access to NCP volumes via the Novell Client or other NCP aware utilities.

    • NCP Support: Enables NCP support on top native Linux file systems (not NSS)

    • Name for Default NCP Volume: If NCP Support is enabled, a volume with this name is created.

    • NCP Volume Mount Point: Specify the location on the file system where the NCP volume will reside if NCP support is enabled.

  8. Review the settings. To make changes, you can edit the XMPL text directly to specify additional advanced settings as needed. To proceed with the installation, click Next.

  9. The Advanced eDirectory - Existing Tree install is complete. Click Finish to go back to the available components page. eDirectory is now listed on the installed software list.