Accessing the Welcome Web Site

Accessible through any Web browser that has a working TCP connection to your network, the Welcome Web site can be accessed by entering the server's URL or IP address.

Accessing the Administrator Site:

  1. Open a Web browser that has a TCP connection to the network where the Novell Small Business Suite 6.6 server is installed.

  2. In the browsers's Address field, enter the URL to the server using the secure https protocol and specifying port 2200.

    For example:

  3. When prompted, enter your administrator username and password.

HINT:  Administrators can access the secure Welcome Web site from the unsecure site by clicking the Web-based Administration link in the yellow NetWare 6.5 Links box.

Accessing the End User Site:

  1. Open a Web browser that has a TCP connection to the network where the Novell Small Business Suite 6.6 server is installed.

  2. Enter the URL to the server using the standard http protocol. For example:


    Because the end user Web site uses the standard port 80, there is no need to specify the port number.