Testing Information

The tables below indicate the platforms and Web browsers on which Novell has tested its browser-based administration utilities and features.

Windows 2000 or XP running Internet Explorer version 6 is the primary platform on which all Novell Web interfaces in NetWare are guaranteed to work as designed.

Other platforms tested are RedHat Linux, Suse Linux, NetWare Server Browser, and Macintosh*.

As a general note, none of the administration utilities are supported on Macintosh at this time. This is due to deficiencies in Internet Explorer for Macintosh in handling security certificates for secure connections, as well as deficiencies in Netscape browsers for Macintosh in supporting Web user interfaces. The Apple* Safari Web browser is being tested and might become available in the future.

Also, end-user interfaces are not supported on the NetWare server browser.

Upcoming support packs and software releases will include increased support for the many platforms and Web browsers available today. Also, as browser and platform vendors continue to improve their products, Novell will take advantage of their improvements to make your experience with Novell's Web-based utilities even better.