9.1 eDirectory Objects

In eDirectory™, verify that you have a Logging Services container at the root of your tree with a Secure Logging Server object. The Logging Services container should also contain an Application, Notification, and Channel container.

Figure 9-1 Logging Services Container in eDirectory

Logging services container in iManger

Within the Channel container, you should have a Channel object for your data store.

Figure 9-2 Channel Container in eDirectory

MySQL log channel object in iManager

If any of these objects are missing, verify that the Nsure Audit schema extensions are installed by using the Schema > Class Information task. In the class list, verify that the NAudit classes are present:

Figure 9-3 Nsure Audit Schema Class Information

Available object classes in iManager

If these schema extensions are missing, run the AuditExt utility and select the Add Schema Extensions option. For a listing of the AuditExt startup commands, see AuditExt in the Novell Nsure Audit 1.0.3 Administration Guide.

If the schema has been extended correctly, but you do not have a Logging Services container or Secure Logging Server object, run opt/novell/naudit/auditext and select the Configure Server option.

If you have not done this, follow the instructions in Section 7.0, Configuring the Secure Logging Server.