G.7 LETrans

LETrans is a command-line utility that translates raw text log files into human-readable form. It also includes the ability to query an ODBC datasource on your Windows machine, then translate and format the output.

The LEtrans utility takes no parameters; it is configured using the letrans.cfg file. The letrans.cfg file contains a description of each LETrans configuration option.

To Launch LETrans:

  1. Open letrans.cfg in a text editor. LETrans and letrans.cfg are located in the following directories:

    Operating System





    \program files\novell\nsure audit





  2. List the path and name of each untranslated log file in the source files section.

  3. Add the path to the log schema file (.lsc) for any additional instrumentations you are using in the schema section.

  4. Save letrans.cfg, then execute LETrans from the server.