A.2 MakeNIS

Setting the log file

Possible Cause: The directory specified when creating the log file might be incorrect.
Action: Check for the validity of the directory path you specified.

Required parameters are missing

Explanation: The domain name is mandatory.
Possible Cause: The user has not specified the required parameters.
Action: Specify all the mandatory parameters.

Domain name is missing

Possible Cause: The user has not specified the domain name.
Action: Specify the domain name.

No make data for map

Possible Cause: There is no data corresponding to the map in the makefile.
Action: Specify the record corresponding to the map.

File is older than corresponding map

Possible Cause: The text file used for making this map is older than the map that exists on eDirectory.
Action: Change the time stamp on the text file by saving it again.

Object with same domain name already exists

Possible Cause: An eDirectory error occurred while adding the specified object.
Action: Check whether the object already exists.

Unable to add users to group objects

Explanation: Users are already present.

Unable to get the host name or IP address of the machine

Possible Cause: The configuration files containing the host data are not correct.
Action: Check the configuration file.