4.20 MySQL Options

If you selected to install MySQL on the Components page or if you selected a pattern installation that installs MySQL, you now see the MySQL Options page. If you did not select MySQL on the Components page, continue with Section 4.21, exteNd Application Server Details.

  1. Click the Browse icon to browse to the directory where you want the MySQL databases to be stored.

    The database must reside on an NSS volume. The default location is sys:/mysql/data.

  2. Type the root password in the field provided.

    The MySQL root user is created as a supervisor who can do anything. Specifying a password for the MySQL root user is recommended. If the root password field is left empty, anyone can connect as root without a password and be granted all privileges.

  3. Confirm the root password in the field provided.

    This password must match the password specified in the previous field.

  4. (Optional) Select Secure Installation if you want to enable secure installation.

    By default, the root user can connect either from the local host or remotely. An anonymous user is also created that can connect from the local host or remotely and do anything with databases that have a name of “test” or starting with “test_”. This means any local user can connect without a password and be treated as the anonymous user. A test database is also created.

    If this box is selected, the root user is only allowed to connect from the local host, a root password is required, and the anonymous user and the test database are not created.

  5. Click Next.