12.3 Adding a Server Group to the RSS Reader

After creating the groups of servers that you want to monitor, you need to add the group in the compatible RSS feed reader of your choice.

Each RSS feed reader is different. Some are compatible with the .xml file that Novell Remote Monitor produces and some are not. If the file does not work with the reader of your choice, try a different reader.

Two readers that we have tested and know work are:

When adding a feed, you are usually prompted to enter a URL. Add the URL path for each group .xml file that you want to monitor.

Figure 12-3 Path for RSS Reader

The URL path for the group consists of:

  1. The non-secure URL for Novell Remote Manager: http://server_name or ip_address:8008

  2. The /SYS/LOGIN/RSS directory name

  3. The specific group .xml filename

For example, for RSS Test Group 1 on server, the non-secure path to enter is