5.11 Using an Uninterruptible Power Supply

An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is a backup power unit that supplies uninterrupted power if a power outage occurs. A UPS is an indispensable part of your network. Not only does it help prevent damage to your computers from power surges and brownouts, but it also prevents data loss during power outages.

Both online and offline UPS systems are available:

Because UPS systems can be expensive, most companies attach them only to the most critical devices, such as NetWare servers, routers, and hard disk subsystems.

Attaching a UPS to a server enables the server to properly close files and rewrite the system directory to disk.

Unfortunately, most programs run on the workstation and data stored in RAM is not saved during a power outage unless each station has its own UPS.

If the UPS doesn’t have its own form of surge protection, install a surge protector to protect the UPS.