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Restricting Access

Use the Restrict Access form to configure several features.

When you use Public Directory Designation, you're actually specifying what files and directories you want to allow public access to. The Public Directory Designation box lists directories and files that are currently public with associated prefixes.

For more information on working with additional or virtual document directories, refer to Setting Additional Document Directories and Setting Virtual Document Directories. For information on User Document Directories, refer to Configuring User Document Directories.

The Password Redirection File allows you to create and display a file that alerts users their passwords have expired and that they are using grace logins. When users access this URL, the specified file appears rather than INDEX.HTML.

When you are in eDirectoryTM mode, file access is determined by eDirectory rights granted to users. Rights Checking Mode allows you to check rights at a more granular level. If you have the system check rights at the file level, system performance will be affected.

Making a File or Directory Public

  1. From the Web Manager home page, click Enterprise Web Server servername > Server Preferences > Restrict Access.

  2. Click Insert File to insert a file or directory.

  3. Click Save to save your changes.

Displaying a File Indicating Expired Passwords

  1. In the Password Expiration Redirection File field, enter the path to the location where you have saved (or will) your password expiration notification file.


  2. Click Save to save your changes.

If you are using eDirectory, you can use Rights Checking Mode to determine at what level you want rights checked. Checking File will affect performance.

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