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About the Drop-Down Lists

When working on the International Characters, Document Footer, Parse HTML, and Cache Control Directives pages of Web Manager and your Web server, you will find a drop-down box at the top of each page. It works the same for each of these features.

The drop-down list and associated Browse button let you select specific resources to be configured.

From the drop-down list, you select a resource to be configured. You can click Browse to browse your primary document directory, Options to choose other directories, and Wildcard to configure files with a specific extension.

Wildcards Used in the Drop-Down List

In many parts of the server configuration, you specify wildcard patterns to represent one or more items to configure. Note that the wildcards for access control and text search might be different from those discussed in this section.

Wildcard patterns use special characters. If you want to use one of these characters without the special meaning, precede it with a backslash (\) character.

Table 3. Drop-Down Wildcard Patterns

Pattern Use


Match zero or more characters.


Match exactly one occurrence of any character.


An or expression. The substrings used with this operator can contain other special characters such as an asterisk (*) or a dollar sign ($). The substrings must be enclosed in parentheses---for example---(a|b|c), but the parentheses cannot be nested.


Match the end of the string. This is useful in or expressions.


Match one occurrence of the characters a, b, or c. Within these expressions, the only character that needs to be treated as a special character is the right bracket ( ] ); all others are not special.


Match one occurrence of a character between A and Z.


Match any character except A or Z.


This expression, followed by another expression, removes any pattern matching the second expression.

Table 4. Drop-Down List Wildcard Examples

Pattern Result


Matches any string ending with the characters


Matches either or


Matches a numeric string starting with either 198.93.92 or 198.93.93 and ending with any three characters.


Matches any string with a period in it


Matches any string except those starting with netscape-


Matches any host from domain except for the single host


Matches any host from domain except for hosts,, and


Matches any host from except for hosts from the subdomain

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