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Enabling Event Notification Delivery Methods

The NDPS Broker provides an Event Notification Service (ENS) that allows printers to send customized notifications to users and operators about printer events and print job status. ENS supports a variety of delivery methods, including pop-up messages, log files, e-mail and programmatic. Third parties can also develop additional methods.

The Event Notification Service allows you to enable delivery methods such as e-mail and third-party methods not provided directly with NDPS. The executable files for these methods have an .ENM extension (filename.ENM) and must be added to the server\SYS:SYSTEM directory or another location in the server's search path.

For more information about Event Notification, see Understanding the Event Notification Service.

  1. Be sure the Event Notification Service is enabled by going to your server console and viewing the Broker status screen.

  2. In NetWare Administrator, select the Broker you want to work with.

  3. Select the Event Notification view.

  4. Click the Load or Unload button.

    WARNING:  Do not unload the RPC and SPXTM Programmatic Notification methods. These are needed for communication between printers and the workstation Printer Manager utility to occur and for driver download to take place.

  5. Specify the ENM filename for the notification method you want to load.

    This ENM must be in your server\SYS:SYSTEM directory or in another location in your server's search path in order to be loaded.

The Broker object will load this notification method automatically in the future.

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