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A print server is a software program that monitors and manages printers and print queues. PSERVER is the native NetWare® print server that takes jobs from a NetWare print queue and directs them (via NPRINTER) to the assigned printer. In NetWare 6 software, PSERVER is available only as a NetWare Loadable ModuleTM (NLMTM) program that can be loaded on a NetWare server.

NOTE:  Multiple PSERVER modules cannot run concurrently on the same NetWare server.

Print server functions can be managed through the NetWare Administrator utility or at the server console.

HINT:  This utility is for use with Novell® legacy, queue-based print services. iPrint and Novell Distributed Print ServicesTM (NDPS®) are the default and preferred print system in NetWare 6. Queue-based printing is fully supported in NetWare 6, which allows your users to continue printing as they always have until you complete the transition to NDPS.

For a discussion of NDPS support for legacy printing, see Supporting Queue-Based Client Workstations. For information on migrating to iPrint and NDPS, see Planning the Migration to Novell Distributed Print Services.

Syntax at Server Console

[LOAD] PSERVER .CN=printservername.OU=container.O=container

Additional Information

Topic See


See Setting Up Print Serviers in NetWare 5.1 Queue-Based Printing

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