3.3 Understanding Archive Server Properties

The archive server properties define the basic information that applies to all jobs controlled by an archive server. They specify the authentication information for eDirectory and the archive database, whether to display the log using iManager at Archive Versioning > Archive Jobs> Log tab and the storage location where the archive data (file versions) reside.

Configure the following server properties using Archive Versioning plug-in:

Table 3-1 Description of Properties for the Archive Server

Archive Server Properties


Volume Path

Specifies the location of archive data in the OES 11SP3. For example, Ark:/archive.

Display server Archive Log entries

By default, the archive server records the error, warning, and normal messages for all of its jobs in the Archive Log which is available in the /var/opt/novell/log/arkManager folder.

In iManager if the Display Log option is selected, the log messages are displayed at Archive Versioning > Archive Jobs > Log .


Specifies authentication information about the Archive and Version Services administrator user.

  • User Name: The eDirectory Common Name of the administrator user who has the appropriate rights to the original data location and to the archive data location. For example,


    The archive server administrator user must have the file system Supervisor right to the archive server and to all servers being accessed by the selected archive server.

    The user must be in the same eDirectory tree as the archive server and the source servers.


Specifies authentication information about the PostgreSQL database for the archive server.

  • User Name: The administrator user of PostgreSQL. For example, postgresqladmin.

  • Port: The port used by the ArkManager instance of PostgreSQL on the archive server. By default, Port 5432 is used. If Port 5432 is used by other services, you can configure other ports.