13.4 Changing Proxy Users

Credentials are stored either in CASA or in the Local File. When the eDirectory credentials of the DNS proxy user change, the CASA or the local file (a file used on the local system) must be updated with these changes.

Changing Credentials in CASA

If the credentials are stored in CASA, the credentials must be updated in the CASA storage of both the root user and the named user. This is done by using CASAcli or dns-inst/dns-maint.

  • Updating through CASAcli:

    • To update the credentials in CASA for the root user, log in as the root user or change to the root user by using su command. Then use the following command to update CASA:

      KEYVALUE=$LDAPUSERNAME CASAcli -s -n dns-ldap -k CN
      KEYVALUE=$LDAPPASSWD CASAcli -s -n dns-ldap -k Password
      where LDAPUSERNAME = <cn=admin, o=novell>, LDAPPASSWD = <secret>

      This updates the credentials in root CASA storage.

    • To update the credentials in CASA of the named user, change your login to the named user using the su named command. Then use the following command to update the CASA:

      KEYVALUE=$LDAPUSERNAME CASAcli -s -n dns-ldap -k CN
      KEYVALUE=$LDAPPASSWD CASAcli -s -n dns-ldap -k Password
      where LDAPUSERNAME = <cn=admin, o=novell>, LDAPPASSWD = secret

      This updates the credentials in the named CASA storage.

  • Updating through dns-inst/dns-maint: The dns-inst/dns-maint utility is also used to update the CASA credentials. Use the following syntax:

    dns-inst <Credential storage (0->file, 1->CASA)>
    dns-maint <Credential storage (0->file, 1->CASA)>

    For example:

    dns-maint -ca <Acme-tree> Acme.com 636 cn=admin,o=Acme secret cn=dns-admin,o=dns-domain secret 1 ou=Sales,o=Acme ou=Finance,o=Acme o=acme o=acme 1 acme-host acme.americas.com 0

Changing Credentials in the Local File

If credentials are stored in the local file, then the credentials are updated using the dns-inst or the dns-maint utility. Use the following syntax:

dns-inst <Credential storage (0->file, 1->CASA)>


dns-maint <Credential storage (0->file, 1->CASA)>

For more information, see Section A.5, DNS Server Configuration Utility and Section A.6, DNS Server Maintenance Utility.