3.14 SFCB and CIMOM

The Small Footprint CIM Broker (SFCB) replaces OpenWBEM for CIMOM activities in OES 11 and later. For information, see Small Footprint CIM Broker (SFCB) in the OES 11 SP3: Planning and Implementation Guide.

IMPORTANT:SFCB must be running and working properly whenever you modify the settings for a cluster or cluster resources.

Port 5989 is the default setting for secure HTTP (HTTPS) communications. If you are using a firewall, the port must be opened for CIMOM communications.

The storage-related plug-ins for iManager require CIMOM connections for tasks that transmit sensitive information (such as a user name and password) between iManager and the _admin volume on the OES 11 SP3 server that you are managing. Typically, CIMOM is running, so this should be the normal condition when using the server. CIMOM connections use Secure HTTP (HTTPS) for transferring data, and this ensures that sensitive data is not exposed.

If CIMOM is not currently running when you click OK or Finish for the task that sends the sensitive information, you get an error message explaining that the connection is not secure and that CIMOM must be running before you can perform the task.

IMPORTANT:If you receive file protocol errors, it might be because SFCB is not running.

You can use the rcsfcb command to help resolve CIMOM and SFCB issues:

To perform this task

At a terminal console prompt, enter as the root user

To start SFCB

rcsfcb start

To stop SFCB

rcsfcb stop

To check SFCB status

rcsfcb status

To restart SFCB

rcsfcb restart