A.1 Exporting Passwords

Before provisioning DSfW server using the command line scripts, it is important to export the passwords in order to authenticate and pass the credentials for the provisioning tasks.

You do not need to export the username. This is because the username used during YaST configuration is stored in the xad.ini file and reused for provisioning.

Table A-1 Details of Passwords to be Exported


Password Details

Forest Root Domain

export NDSEXISTINGADMINPASSWD and ADM_PASSWD with tree admin credentials

Child Domain

export ADM_PASSWD_DOMAIN = current domain password

export ADM_PASSWD_PARENT = parent domain password

export NDSEXISTINGADMINPASSWD = tree domain password.


Subsequent Domain Controller

export ADM_PASSWD = current domain password

export NDSEXISTINGADMINPASSWD = tree domain password