17.4 Viewing a List of Snapshots for a Given Pool

  1. In iManager, click Storage > Pools.

    For instructions, see Section 9.1.5, Accessing Roles and Tasks in iManager.

  2. In the server field on the Pools page, select a server to manage to view a list of pools.

    For instructions, see Section 9.1.6, Selecting a Server to Manage.

  3. If the original pool for the snapshots you want to view is not active, select the pool from the Pools list, then click Activate.

  4. In the Pools list, select the active pool that has snapshots you want to manage, then click Snapshot to go to the Snapshots for: poolname page.

    IMPORTANT:If the selected pool is an online pool snapshot, the Snapshot option is not available. Select the original pool instead.

    The Snapshots report includes the snapshot name, status (Offline (default) or Online), state (Active (default) or Deactive), the name and size of the stored-on partition, and the percent of space used on the partition.