dhcp-maint (8)


dhcp-maint - The DHCP server maintenance utility.


dhcp-maint is the utility to create and maintain the DHCP configuration.


DHCP Configuration Options

DHCP Default Configuration Option

dhcp-maint <LDAP host name or IP> <LDAP port number> <Admin DN> <Admin password> <server object container name> <Locator object container name> <group object container name> <server object name> <Secure LDAP or Not (0 -> non-SSL, 1->SSL)> <DHCP Proxy user DN> <DHCP Proxy user password>

DHCP Advanced Configuration Option

Configure All

dhcp-maint -ca <LDAP host name or IP> <LDAP port number> <Admin DN> <Admin password> <server object container name> <locator object container name> <group object container name> <server object name> <Secure LDAP or Not (0 -> non-SSL, 1->SSL)> <DHCP Proxy user DN> <DHCP Proxy user password>

If the DHCP runtime admin already exists in the tree, then the Advanced option resets the existing user password to the specified password in the command. The password is reset only in the CASA store but not in eDirectory. Because of this inconsistency, the DHCP service might not work properly.

IMPORTANT:In the default and advanced options for dhcp-maint, if you choose to configure an existing user by using dhcp-maint, ensure that you provide the correct password for this user. A wrong/new password creates CASA store corruption for this user and causes DHCP server load failure.

Edit Server Object

dhcp-maint -es <LDAP host name or IP> <LDAP port number> <Admin DN> <Admin password> <server object container name> <server object name> <Secure LDAP or Not 0 -> non-SSL, 1->SSL)>

Object and Schema Removal Options

Remove All

dhcp-maint -ra <LDAP host name or IP> <LDAP port number> <Admin DN> <Locator object container name> <Delete Group=1 Locator=2 Both=3 None=0> <Secure LDAP or Not (0 -> non-SSL, 1->SSL)>

Remove Schema

dhcp-maint -rs <LDAP host name or IP> <LDAP port number> <Admin DN> <Secure LDAP or Not (0 -> non-SSL, 1->SSL)>


Usage Options

-ca , Configure All
dhcp-maint -ca <LDAP host name or IP> <LDAP port number> <Admin DN> <Admin password> <server object container name> <locator object container name> <group object container name> <server object name> <Secure LDAP or Not (0 -> non-SSL, 1->SSL)> <DHCP Proxy user DN> <DHCP Proxy user password>

The Configure All option extends the DHCP schema in the tree, refreshes the tree, and creates DHCP objects such as DHCPGroup, dhcpLocator, and DHCP Server in the specified input context in the tree.

It also creates the Runtime Admin (Proxy User) if it does not exist in the tree and adds it to the CASA store.

For a secure connection, specify the SSL port number for LDAP and SSL option as 1.

For a non-secure connection, specify the SSL option as 0.

If the DHCP runtime admin already exists in the tree, the Advanced option resets the existing user password to the specified password in the command. The password is reset only in the CASA store but not in eDirectory. Because of this inconsistency, the DHCP service might not work properly.

For example:

dhcp-maint -ca Acme.com 636 cn=admin,o=Acme secret ou=Sales,o=Acme ou=Finance,o=Acme o=Acme dhcp_ncpserver 1 cn=dhcp-admin,o=Acme secretou=Sales,o=Acme ou=Finance,o=Acme o=Acme o=Acme 0
-es , Edit Server Object
dhcp-maint -es <LDAP host name or IP> <LDAP port number> <Admin DN> <Admin password> <server object container name> <server object name> <Secure LDAP or Not (0 -> non-SSL, 1->SSL)>

Modifies the syntax of the DHCP statement client-updates ignore to ignore client-updates.

If the syntax of the DHCP statement in your DHCP server is client-updates ignore, you can use this option to change the syntax to ignore client-updates.

For example:

dhcp-maint -es Acme.com 636 cn=admin,o=Acme secret ou=Sales,o=Acme ou=Finance,o=Acme dhcp_ncpserver 1
-ra , Remove All
dhcp-maint -ra <LDAP host name or IP> <LDAP port number> <Admin DN> <locator object container name> <Delete Group=1 Locator=2 Both=3 None=0> <Secure LDAP or Not (0 -> non-SSL, 1->SSL)>

The Remove All option removes all the DHCP configuration objects like service, subnet, host, pool, failover peer, DHCP Server etc from the tree for the specified Locator object.

  1. To delete the Group Object, specify the option as 1.

  2. To delete the Locator Object, specify the option as 2.

  3. To delete both the Locator and the Group Objects, specify the option as 3.

  4. Specify 0 for no deletions.

The Remove All option performs a complete cleanup of eDirectory for DHCP and no check is done for local or remote server. After the cleanup it removes the DHCP files (dhcpd.log, dhcpd.conf,dhcpd.pid) from the local machine from their respective directories (/var/log, /etc, /var/lib/dhcp/var/run). The DHCP CASA credentials are also removed from the local CASA store only.

NOTE:The server connected here is for LDAP bind and should not be considered as cleanup for the remote server.

To delete files and CASA credentials on a remote system, dhcp-maint should be run on that system locally. However, the CASA credentials can also be removed by using the CASAcli tool.

For a secure connection, specify the SSL port number for the LDAP and SSL options as 1.

For a non-secure connection, specify the SSL option as 0.

For example:

dhcp-maint -ra Acme.com 636 cn=admin,o=Acme o=Acme 3 1
-rs , Remove Schema
dhcp-maint -rs <LDAP host name> <LDAP port number> <Admin DN> <Secure LDAP or Not (0 -> non-SSL, 1->SSL)>

If the DHCP schema is not in use, then the Remove Schema option removes the DHCP schema from the tree.

For a secure connection, specify the SSL port number for the LDAP and SSL options as 1.

For a non-secure connection, specify the SSL option as 0.

For example:

dhcp-maint -rs Acme.com 636 cn=admin,o=Acme


  1. LDAP host name or IP: The IP address of the default LDAP server for the service.

  2. LDAP port number: The secure or non-secure LDAP port to connect to the LDAP server.

  3. Admin DN: The LDAP administrator distinguished name to authenticate against the LDAP host.

  4. password: The password for the LDAP Admin.

  5. eDirectory user DN for DHCP: The user authenticates to eDirectory to access information for DHCP during runtime. The user must have eDirectory read, write, and browse rights under the specified context.

  6. locator object container name: The context/container for the DHCP Locator object. For example: o=novell. The DHCP Locator object contains global defaults, DHCP options, and a list of all DHCP servers, subnets, and zones in the tree.

  7. group object container name: The context for the DHCP Group object. For example: o=novell. This object is used to grant DHCP servers the necessary rights to other data within the eDirectory tree.

  8. Secure LDAP or Not (0 -> non-SSL, 1 -> SSL): Set this option to 1 to ensure that the data transferred by this service is secure and private. Set this option to 0, to transfer the data in clear text format.

  9. Delete Group=1 Locator=2 Both=3 None=0: This option specifies the DHCP objects to be deleted from the eDirectory tree.

    1. To delete the DHCPGroup Object, specify the option as 1.

    2. To delete the dhcpLocator Object, specify the option as 2.

    3. To delete both the DHCPGroup and dhcpLocator Objects, specify the option as 3.

      The Delete Group=1 Locator=2 Both=3 None=0 option gives you the choice to retain or delete the common objects for DNS-DHCP in the tree.


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