2.2 What’s New or Changed (OES 2015)

In addition to bug fixes, NLVM provides the following enhancements and changes in OES 2015:

  • Two Pool Types: When creating a pool, you can specify the pool type as NSS64 or NSS32. If no type is specified, NLVM defaults to NSS32.

    For more information on pool creation using NLVM, see Create Pool in the OES 2015 SP1: NLVM Reference.

  • Force Creation in Mixed Cluster: If required as part of upgrading a cluster to OES 2015, you can force the creation of a 64-bit pool in a mixed-node cluster (one that contains pre-OES 2015 servers).

    This should only be used as an interim solution because 64-bit NSS pools are not accessible from pre-OES 2015 nodes.

    For more information on pool creation using NLVM, see Create Pool in the OES 2015 SP1: NLVM Reference.

  • New Display Option: You can display all size outputs in a specified human-readable format, such as KB, MB, GB, and so on using the -p option.

    For more information on this and other NLVM options, see Common Options in the OES 2015 SP1: NLVM Reference.