8.2 Restarting the eDirectory (ndsd) Daemon

You must restart the eDirectory (ndsd) daemon if you modify NCP Server settings or the Dynamic Storage Technology global parameter settings for NCP Server. You can modify the settings in OES Remote Manager, or by editing the /etc/opt/novell/ncpserv.conf file. The changes do not take effect until you restart the eDirectory daemon.

IMPORTANT:Restarting or stopping ndsd automatically warns the users and terminates their connections. Users can reconnect to the mapped NCP share after the ndsd service restarts.

Use the following steps to stop and start ndsd when a single instance is running:

  1. Log in as the root user, then open a terminal console.

  2. Enter one of the following commands to stop ndsd:

    rcndsd stop


    systemctl stop ndsd.service
  3. Enter one of the following commands to start ndsd:

    rcndsd start


    systemctl start ndsd.service