6.4 Viewing Properties for a File or Folder with Novell Client

If the Novell Client is installed on a computer, the file browser is modified to add tabs for Novell Rights. When you select a file or folder that resides on an NSS volume or NCP volume, the fields on the page are populated with its information.

  1. In a file browser, right-click the file or folder and select Properties.

  2. Click the Novell Rights tab to view its Trustees, Trustee Rights, Inherited Rights and Filters, and Effective Rights.

    Use this page to do any of the following tasks:

    • Add a Trustee: Click Add, type the fully distinguished name (username.context.tree.domain) of the user you want to add, then click OK.

    • Modify Trustee Rights: Select one or more trustees, select or deselect the check box for each trustee right you want to modify, then click Apply.

    • Delete a Trustee: Select one or more trustees, then click Remove.

    • Combine Multiple Trustees: This option is available only when viewing the file-system trustee rights for multiple directories or files. Additionally, at least one of the selected directories or files must have at least one trustee assignment.

      Select one or more trustees from the Trustees list, select Combine Multiple Trustees, then click Apply. The trustees’ rights are combined and applied to all selected directories and files. All selected trustees become trustees of all selected directories and files.

    • Inherited Rights: Select Inherited Rights to open a dialog where you can do the following:

      • Modify Trustee Rights: Select the trustee you want to manage from the Trustees Inherited from Selected Item and Parent Directories. Select or deselect the check box of the file-system trustee right you want to modify, then click Apply.

        Changing the Inherited Rights and Filters does not grant rights; it removes rights previously assigned at a higher level in the path. Deselect the right to filter the right for a specific trustee or for all trustees of the selected directory or file.

      • Delete a Trustee: Select the trustee you want to manage from the Trustees Inherited from Selected Item and Parent Directories, then click Remove Trustee.

  3. Click the Novell Info tab to view file system attributes.

    For information about the file system properties on this page, see Step 2 in Section 12.3, Viewing or Modifying File System Attributes for NSS Volumes.