39.9 Enabling PAM Support for Kerberos

openSUSE® comes with a PAM module named pam_krb5, which supports Kerberos login and password update. This module can be used by applications, such as console login, su, and graphical login applications like KDM, where the user presents a password and would like the authenticating application to obtain an initial Kerberos ticket on his behalf. To configure PAM support for Kerberos, use the following command:

pam-config --add --krb5

The above command adds the pam_krb5 module to the existing PAM configuration files and makes sure it is called in the right order. To make fine adjustments to the way in which pam_krb5 is used, edit the file /etc/krb5.conf and add default applications to pam. For details, refer to the manual page with man 5 pam_krb5.

The pam_krb5 module was specifically not designed for network services that accept Kerberos tickets as part of user authentication. This is an entirely different matter, which is discussed below.