36.8 Configuring An SSH Daemon with YaST

To configure an sshd server with YaST run YaST and choose Network Services > SSHD Configuration. Then proceed as follows:

  1. Select the ports sshd should listen on in the SSHD TCP Ports table. The default port number is 22. Multiple ports are allowed. To add a new port, click Add, enter the port number and click OK. To delete port, select it in the table, click Delete and confirm.

  2. Select the features the sshd daemon should support. To disable TCP forwarding, uncheck Allow TCP Forwarding. Disabling TCP forwarding does not improve security unless users are also denied shell access, as they can always install their own forwarders. See Section 36.7, X, Authentication, and Forwarding Mechanisms for more information about TCP forwarding.

    To disable X forwarding, uncheck Allow X11 Forwarding. If this option is disabled, any X11 forward requests by the client will return an error. However users can always install their own forwarders. See Section 36.7, X, Authentication, and Forwarding Mechanisms for more information about X forwarding.

    In Allow Compression determine, whether the connection between the server and clients should be compressed. After setting these options, click Next.

  3. In Print Message of the day After Login determine, whether sshd should print message from /etc/motd when a user logs in interactively. If you want to disable connection of a user root, uncheck Permit Root Login.

    In Maximum Authentication Tries enter the maximum allowed number of authentication attempts per connection. Password Authentication specifies whether password authentication is allowed. RSA Authentication specifies whether pure RSA authentication is allowed. This option applies to SSH protocol version 1 only. Public Key Authentication specifies whether public key authentication is allowed. This option applies to protocol version 2 only.

  4. Click Accept to save the configuration.