Uninstalling SecretStore

Uninstalling SecretStore on NetWare Servers

You can't uninstall SecretStore from a server. However, you can disable SecretStore.

  1. At the server console, unload SecretStore modules from the server.

  2. At a workstation and while logged in as system administrator, map a drive to sys\system: for the server where SecretStore is running.

  3. Rename or remove SecretStore NLM files.

  4. In the autoexec.ncf file, comment out or remove the commands that load SecretStore modules.

    If the server is running ldap, simply removing commands from the autoexec.ncf file won't prevent the SecretStore NLMs from loading.

  5. Reboot the server.

Although you uninstall SecretStore from a Windows server or disable SecretStore from a NetWare server, the following SecretStore items remain:

Uninstalling SecretStore on Solaris and Linux

To uninstall the SecretStore service on a Solaris or Linux server, use the ssscfg utility.

  1. Log in as the root user.

    Log in to the host server where you will uninstall the SecretStore service.

  2. Run ssscfg.

    Specify the deconfigure option -d as follows:

    /usr/sbin/ssscfg [-h hostname[:port]] [-w password]

    [-a <admin FDN>] -d [-f] [-v]

  3. Run the ss-uninstall utility.

Uninstalling SecretStore on Workstations

To uninstall the SecretStore client, use Add\Remove Programs in the Control Panel.

Although you uninstall the SecretStore client, the following SecretStore items remain:

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